Green Cheek Conure

Price: 7,700

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Species Overview

  • COMMON NAMES: Conure parakeet
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Aratinga solstitialis
  • Price 1 Pair ₹7700
  • ADULT SIZE: 12 inches
  • LIFE EXPECTANCY: 25 to 30 years1 

Origin and History

  • The sun conure is native to northeastern South America, including Venezuela, northern Brazil, and Guyana. Found mostly in inland tropical habitats, the sun conure also may inhabit dry savanna woodlands and coastal forests. They usually inhabit fruiting trees and palm groves.
  • The population of this currently endangered bird is dwindling rapidly due to loss of habitat and trapping for the pet trade. Roughly 800,000 are trapped each year, despite the U.S. import ban of 1992 and European Union ban in 2007

Diet and Nutrition

  • In the wild, sun conures primarily feast on fruit, nuts, and seeds. In captivity, they do best on a formulated, balanced pellet diet supplemented with fruits, leafy greens, and root vegetables. Slightly steamed sweet potatoes are an excellent food for your pet conure.
  • You can give them an unlimited amount of pellet food; they will only eat what they need. As for fresh fruits and veggies, offer about a 1/8 to 1/4 cup in the morning and at night.
  • Like other companion birds, a sun conure needs and appreciates treats, so make healthy choices for treats. Nuts and seeds are always a good choice for an occasional treat. Walnuts and almonds are excellent selections. 


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